Although I enjoy exploring different photographic avenues; such as Fine Art, Commercial & Editorial, Wedding & Portrait and Landscape photography, I rather enjoy photojournalism the most. In December of 2013 I will be graduating from Phoenix College with my AAS in Photography, with Honors from Phi Theta Kappa. I have had two internships one with Brandon Sullivan at Legend City Studios and the second one with Christopher Barr Photography. Recently I made my official declaration at Arizona State University. August 2013 I will be starting my B.A./M.C.C. combined program of study through the Barrett Honors College with ASU's Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication, concentrating on Photojouranlisim. This does not mean that I will completely hang up my commercial and or fine art photography work, it just means that it wont take center stage for a time being as I develop my skills at WCJMC in the next couple of years. I will still be a dedicated Wedding Photographer. I do plan on going back to develop my fine art and commercial photography skills and abilities. I aspire to be a great Photojournalist such as Steve McCurry, Nick Ut, Dorothea Lange, and Ansel Adams working for the likes of TIME, LIFE, National Geographic, or even the Associated Press. I am Nationally backed and accredited by the National Press Photographers Association (NPPA), the American Society of Media Professionals (ASMP) among other organizations. I have worked with non-profit organizations such as M.A.D.D. (Mothers Against Drunk Drivers), Hospice of the Valley, American Cancer Society, and American Stop Bullying Now National Campaign. My hobby is collecting Vintage cameras for my personal home collection, and spoiling my children with lots of love and laughter at home.
Memorable Quotes from April:
"I have always been inspired by Steve McCurry, ever since I saw his image of 'Afgahn Girl'. During my studies at Phoenix College I have done many in depth studies of Steve, and I have taken something from him, that I think is pertinent to ALL photographers, no matter what genre of photography they do. Steve stated that you can't really call yourself a true photographer unless you know those that have gone before you, that are great while you are starting out, and that you can use for inspiration. I live by those words. I feel that to be a great photographer, you have to really know photography, and understand it. You have to know who laid the foundation before you and how it is appplicable to what you are doing. How to learn from them. The biggest thing I have learned from Steve is that there is a fine line between Photojouranlisim and Paparazzi, and that small difference is Respect, and waiting patiently for the story to develop and not forcing it to develop. I'm a true photojouranlist, where I will wait until the story happens, I don't go out and make it happen, and I'm not invassive or pushy, that's simply not my style."
"The best way to describe my photography style, whether it's Weddings & Portraits, Editorial & Photojouranlisim, or even Fine Art is I wait for the Between moments. Those moments that go un noticed, that happen with in a blink of an eye, that no one is paying attention to. I wait patiently for what others will over look or see as unimportant, when they are the most important moments we will see captured in an image."
I am inspired by the seasons of life; the way it moves against us, with us, for us and around us. I am mostly inspired by how we move through life, and the journey taken. I strive for the Between Moments, those moments no body is looking for, or paying attention to.
I started my photographic career as a scrapbook keeper with a 110 Kodak camera in 1993 after the passing of my inspirational scrapbook keeper; and great grandmother, Iris Haller. Photography is the medium that I use to explore, re-invent, escape from, and re-kindle life through my lens. Following a tragic year of losses, including my mother who lost her battle to cancer, I was paralyzed with grief in which I laid my camera down and reverted to the heartless safety of my head. 2013 is about re-discovering life and the love of life through my lens; including re-sparking the iconic movie magic inspired love affair with my husband and my love of photography. Normally I prefer to watch people through my lens; to go along with my photo-journalistic stories. However this year, 2013 I’m turning the lens inward towards myself in a soul searching journey; which will continue in another sub series this summer on an Ansel Adams inspired road trip. I enjoy traveling and travel photography, chasing the stories there.
About the Editor/Photojournalist
Photographer, Photojournalist, Story Teller, Vintage Camera Collector; April Morganroth: NPPA, ASMP, AzPPA.