On August 27th, 2012 we lost a man that was well loved. A man that served his country, his children, his family and his friends. This man left us too early to a drunk driver, when Ron was simply trying to get home to his family after a long, exhausting night at work. His car was hit my a drunk driver running the red light. Help us get Justice for Ron.
Fact Part 1:
Fact 1: at around 11:50pm on August 26th, 2012 Ron Lowe's car was struck by a drunk driver, near 51st Ave and Indian School, Phoenix Arizona.
Fact 2: Arroyo-Razo had been out drinking with friends and family all night, and driving the truck that struck Ron, ultimately killing him.
Fact 3: Arroyo-Razo was processed for impairment.
Fact 4: Crump said Tuesday Arroyo-Razo was released from the hospital and has been booked on several felony counts including 2nd degree murder.
Fact 5: Phoenix Police Sgt. Trent Crump said a Dodge pickup was traveling eastbound on Indian School Road at a high rate of speed.
Fact 6: The driver of the Dodge, identified as Adrian S. Arroyo-Razo, was reportedly seen failing to stop for several red traffic lights, including the one at 51st Avenue where he collided with a Ford Mustang traveling northbound.

A Word from Ron's Fiance': Tina
"April thank you! We can not let this go. Justice must and will be served. We lost a wonderful amazing man that night. He loved serving his country and his community. He loved his kids and life itself. There are no words to describe the pain we all feel. If we can get the word out and let the world know the devastation that is left behind from drinking and driving. If we can make just one person hand over their keys. We will have made a difference." -Tina Pirtle

Fact Part 2:
Fact 7: The defendant confessed that he was indeed the driver.
Fact 8: Recently the Defendant stated that he was NOT the driver, and was NOT drinking that night.
Fact 9: The DA is trying to tell the family they do not have a case.
Fact 10: They are attempting to get the defendant across the Mexican Boarder, if released.
Fact 11: Ron leaves behind two children, a fiance, a Mother and Father, as well as step parents. He leaves behind cousins, loved ones, and multitude of friends. Ron served his country as a Solider, and he served his Community as head Security Officer.

Ron was a once in a lifetime friend, the type of friend that never gave up on his family, his friends, his country, or his community. If you needed anything he would be there in a flash. If you needed someone to just listen to you, he egarly listened to you. He was the type of man that would go out of his way to ensure that everyone else was taken care of before he was. He was incredibly selfless, and he wont be forgotten. Help us trend this and fight this.
His next court appearence is Thursday, July 18th, 2013 at 10am. Please be there to show Ron's Family support at the Maricopa Superior Building.
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